Tests Number 1 & 2
Then Test #3, just because Meijer's generic brand might be off, despite what the 1-800 customer service operator says....
I mean, yeah, I know how it's possible, I am married and we both know that pregnancy is a side effect of unprotected sex. A very much desired side effect in our case. But really, how is this possible.
We've been not "not trying" for three years. There is adoption information sitting on my kitchen counter. We've accepted that we might need more than nature to make this family thing work. How is this possible.
Okay. Breathe. Let's start from the beginning.
I was at work and didn't feel so great. I had an upset stomach with some cramping. I left early to call my colon rectal surgeon's office and get something to take. Crap (not literally) I'm five days late and need to take a home pregnancy test to make sure I'm not pregnant, even though I know I'm not. The doctor's office always asks me to confirm that I'm not pregnant "just to make sure".
I hate this part. Walking into Meijer. Knowing I'm not pregnant. Knowing I'm going to be disappointed, yet again. I've given up buying tests. It's less heart breaking. Maybe I'll just hold off another day or two and "suck it up". After all, maybe it's just menstrual cramps that I'm having.
HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE. I mean, I'm still sitting on the toliet staring at a blue strip. It hasn't even been one minutes, more like 20 seconds. HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE? Okay, it's not. That is a really light blue strip. Where's the box. There has to be a number to call.
Okay. Any blue strip, no matter how light, is a positive test. How is this possible? There's only one thing to do--- sit down, watch Elizabeth: The Golden Years, and drink three glasses of Crystal Light so I can take another test.
How long can it take for that Crystal Light to start working? I mean seriously, Queen Elizabeth is going to defeat the Spanish Armada before I have to pee again.
It's a second blue strip. This isn't possible. It has to be a mistake. I mean both tests did come from the same box. Next step-- sit on the couch paralyzed until the husband--soon to be Daddy?-- comes home.
I mean, yeah, I know how it's possible, I am married and we both know that pregnancy is a side effect of unprotected sex. A very much desired side effect in our case. But really, how is this possible.
We've been not "not trying" for three years. There is adoption information sitting on my kitchen counter. We've accepted that we might need more than nature to make this family thing work. How is this possible.
Okay. Breathe. Let's start from the beginning.
I was at work and didn't feel so great. I had an upset stomach with some cramping. I left early to call my colon rectal surgeon's office and get something to take. Crap (not literally) I'm five days late and need to take a home pregnancy test to make sure I'm not pregnant, even though I know I'm not. The doctor's office always asks me to confirm that I'm not pregnant "just to make sure".
I hate this part. Walking into Meijer. Knowing I'm not pregnant. Knowing I'm going to be disappointed, yet again. I've given up buying tests. It's less heart breaking. Maybe I'll just hold off another day or two and "suck it up". After all, maybe it's just menstrual cramps that I'm having.
HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE. I mean, I'm still sitting on the toliet staring at a blue strip. It hasn't even been one minutes, more like 20 seconds. HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE? Okay, it's not. That is a really light blue strip. Where's the box. There has to be a number to call.
Okay. Any blue strip, no matter how light, is a positive test. How is this possible? There's only one thing to do--- sit down, watch Elizabeth: The Golden Years, and drink three glasses of Crystal Light so I can take another test.
How long can it take for that Crystal Light to start working? I mean seriously, Queen Elizabeth is going to defeat the Spanish Armada before I have to pee again.
It's a second blue strip. This isn't possible. It has to be a mistake. I mean both tests did come from the same box. Next step-- sit on the couch paralyzed until the husband--soon to be Daddy?-- comes home.
Husband, no help. Seems to be in a state of --- shock? Okay, there's one solution. Another test. From a different store. One that reads "pregnant" or "not pregnant".
Oh, Wow.
I'm pregnant.
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