July 30, 2009
It's Only a Weed if You Don't Think It's Pretty
July 27, 2009
When You Lay in Clover Beware of Bees
Training: Week 9, Day 1
Distance: 11.67 miles
Time: 1 hour 2 minutes
Power Song: Shadow Play by The Killers
Finding out I was gluten intolerant began with a minor bowel obstruction, that hoodwinked my doctors into believing was my gallbladder. Yeah, I can see this is going to need an explanation.
November 2008 Eric took me to the ER for extreme pain in my right side. I was relatively assured it was a bowel obstruction-- I'd had one the year before and clearly remembered the symptoms and namely the pain. At the ER the doctor of course ran a battalion of tests before shipping me off to my surgeon in Grand Rapids. I was hospitalized overnight and sent home.
Two weeks later my primary care doctor called and told me I need to have my gallbladder removed-- apparently, I had more than 20, but less than 30, gallstones and they were the cause of my earlier hospitalization. I was a little shocked to say the least that this was the first time I'd heard about gallstones-- or maybe the drugs in the ER scrambled my short term memory.
Long story short, I couldn't have my gallbladder removed until January and I was instructed to eat a bland diet until surgery. Following doctor's orders, I spent the month of December eating toast, soda crackers, pasta and feeling like I was dying a slow death. By the time I hit the operating table in January I was screaming for them to take my gallbladder out! I couldn't believe that my condition deteriorated so quickly because of an organ the size of a walnut.
Needless to say after my gallbladder came out I needed to detox myself of my high carb bland diet. I started following a no sugar, no wheat diet that my mom follows.
This is what my daily menu looked like:
Breakfast: 1 oz of oatmeal (the real kind, not instant), 8 oz of plain yogurt (the real kind with no flavoring added) and 6 oz of fruit
Lunch: 4 oz lean protein, 6 oz. of cooked vegetable, 6 oz. of raw vegetable w/1 Tbsp. dressing
Dinner: 4 oz lean protein, 6 oz. of cooked vegetable 8 oz of raw vegetable w/2 Tbsp. dressing
I thought for sure I was going to die. My impending death wasn't because this menu didn't include dark chocolate (which was a concern), no, I was more focused on the amount of raw vegetables listed. Raw is a word that most colitis sufferers avoid because if it's raw, it's going to make you raw. However, I had to break my high carb life or my pants weren't going to fit anymore, so I decided to try it for a week.
And I'll be damned. I was fine. In fact, I felt solid and regular--- words that hadn't describe my bathroom habits in several year.
July 26, 2009
July 24, 2009
The Missing Grain
July 23, 2009
Blog It
July 22, 2009
I Can Do This
July 21, 2009
And Then This Little Thing Called Life Happens... Literally
I mean, yeah, I know how it's possible, I am married and we both know that pregnancy is a side effect of unprotected sex. A very much desired side effect in our case. But really, how is this possible.
We've been not "not trying" for three years. There is adoption information sitting on my kitchen counter. We've accepted that we might need more than nature to make this family thing work. How is this possible.
Okay. Breathe. Let's start from the beginning.
I was at work and didn't feel so great. I had an upset stomach with some cramping. I left early to call my colon rectal surgeon's office and get something to take. Crap (not literally) I'm five days late and need to take a home pregnancy test to make sure I'm not pregnant, even though I know I'm not. The doctor's office always asks me to confirm that I'm not pregnant "just to make sure".
I hate this part. Walking into Meijer. Knowing I'm not pregnant. Knowing I'm going to be disappointed, yet again. I've given up buying tests. It's less heart breaking. Maybe I'll just hold off another day or two and "suck it up". After all, maybe it's just menstrual cramps that I'm having.
HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE. I mean, I'm still sitting on the toliet staring at a blue strip. It hasn't even been one minutes, more like 20 seconds. HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE? Okay, it's not. That is a really light blue strip. Where's the box. There has to be a number to call.
Okay. Any blue strip, no matter how light, is a positive test. How is this possible? There's only one thing to do--- sit down, watch Elizabeth: The Golden Years, and drink three glasses of Crystal Light so I can take another test.
How long can it take for that Crystal Light to start working? I mean seriously, Queen Elizabeth is going to defeat the Spanish Armada before I have to pee again.
It's a second blue strip. This isn't possible. It has to be a mistake. I mean both tests did come from the same box. Next step-- sit on the couch paralyzed until the husband--soon to be Daddy?-- comes home.
Husband, no help. Seems to be in a state of --- shock? Okay, there's one solution. Another test. From a different store. One that reads "pregnant" or "not pregnant".
Oh, Wow.
I'm pregnant.
July 20, 2009
Canine Cool Down
Distance: 11.67 miles
Time: 57 minutes
Weather: 67 and sunny
Power Song: Dashboard by Modest Mouse
July 19, 2009
Day Lilly Blossoms Only Bloom One Day
My driveway is lined with day lilies. I love them. They are pretty. They are hardy and don't require a lot of time on my part. Their blossoms only bloom for one day, yet, each plant has several blossoms to display. Within a few years they spread and claim an area as their own. There are several varieties. And they are resilient.
Yesterday's post was heavy and I feel it necessary to tell you that's how I felt at the time. I was 24, had just ended a three year relationship, was recovering from a colectomy, worried about my academic future and had years worth of denial crashing down on me. In light of that, I think I was in rather high spirits!
Also, it didn't last.
I can only lick my wounds for so long before my optimistic side takes over. However, I would be lying if I said I still don't have times where a lot of those old thoughts rise up. This past week was a rough one for me. I just didn't feel well. My abdomen ached and that repeat pain in my side was back. Motrin wasn't enough to take care of all the aches. It was hard to sleep because I couldn't get comfortable, but once I did, I was out for 9-11 hours. Sleep is usually my indicator that something is up. When I feel great I sleep 7 to 8 hours, but when I'm not feeling well that bumps up several hours, plus I can take a nap in the afternoon.
Obviously, taking an afternoon nap and going to work took up the majority of my time last week, so I didn't train for Get Your Guts in Gear. But that was last week, and I'm going to deadhead it like I do my day lilies. I might have missed one week, but I still have I lifetime ahead of me and I'm not going to miss out mourning for one lost week. Colitis has made me resilient.
July 18, 2009
July 15, 2009
You can always go home, but how long do you want to stay?
Distance: 15.46 miles
Time: 1 hour 3 minutes
Weather: 72 degrees w/83% humidity
Power Song: Sabotage by Beastie Boys
May 2004- So not only was I angry (filled with dark rage would really be more accurate), living with my parents and jobless, but I also had to return to Northern Michigan University to pack the rest of my apartment and watch my best friends graduate.
It's a horrible thing to hate your best friends for graduating. And my hate really was an irrational since I wasn't even due to graduate until the following fall.
But I did.
They were going to be able to move on. Change the world. Start on all the plans we dreamed about for the last fours years. And what was I doing?
For three years I'd been in denial about my colitis. For three years I'd been numb to any emotion attached to my health. For the most part I'd even insulated myself from the pain of having a colectomy. But that all changed.
Pure and fresh anger pumped through my body filling me with renewed energy. A job. I needed a job and found one as a veterinarian's assistant. Apartment. I needed to get out of my parents' place, so I got a place with my cousin and repainted the whole place. As a side note, it's always best to discuss color choice with your roommate before you paint.
And despite keeping myself busy, I'd still lay awake at night, staring at the newly painted walls, screaming inside my head, Why me?
July 12, 2009
At What Point In a Vacation Do You Relax?
Training: Week 7, Day 1
Distance: 8 miles
Time: 1 hour
Weather: Sunny and gorgeous
Power Song: Conversation with Eric
I don't know what I've been doing the last two weeks, but it hasn't been training. I of course had great intentions to follow my plan, but then this little thing call My Life crept into my schedule. Since I'm not a professional athlete I'm not worried about losing the Tour de France because of two weeks of light training, BUT it does set me back in my training and I'll need to repeat week six. That's okay though, I'll be back on schedule this week.
I did watch a great documentary called Blood, Sweat + Gears: Racing Clean to the Tour de France, directed by Nick Davis. The film follows the Pro-Cycling Team Garmin Slipstream, nicknamed the Clean Team, through the 2008 cycling year. The film highlighted this teams quest to race without any performance enhancers. In the last five years pro-cycling has made headlines with doping scandal after doping scandal. At least in Europe they have. Here in America anything we hear about pro-cycling has to do with Lance Armstrong. I'm not an avid follower by any means, but this film was really interesting. It was impressive to watch what these guys put their bodies through. I never realized there was so much planning and strategy to a bicycling race. After watching the film, I'm glad of one thing:Get Your Guts In Gear is not a race!
Blood, Sweat + Gears is playing on the Sundance Channel through the month of July.
July 7, 2009
Biking the Great North
Today was another power ride. I was scheduled to ride for an 1 1/2 hours, but cut it short so I could spend more time with the girls. Riding in Atlanta (Michigan) was a nice change of scenery. I've been getting bored with my routes at home and my current routes are pretty flat. Around Jen's house there were plenty of long sloping hills which were a nice challenge. Tackling those few hills did make me realize I need to work more hills into my training. I was winded after the first two hills and really they weren't all that big.
The Get Your Guts in Gear's Facebook page says the route for the Midwest ride will start in Libertyville, IL head north to Wisconsin, wrap around Lake Geneva, WI, and loop back to Libertyville. The word is that this ride is less hilly than the New York and Seattle rides, but will still pass through rolling farmland and country roads. In other words, I need to get my guts off flat city bike trails and onto some rolling country roads.
July 6, 2009
Time: 30 minutes
Power Song: Cocaine Blues by Johnny Cash, sung by Joaquin Phoenix
This morning was a sprint power ride. I have to leave this morning for a girls weekend up North and didn't have time for my scheduled 2 hour ride. This week is going to be off. I'm off on vacation all week, but have plans for almost every day. I am bringing my bike with me up North, so hopefully I'll be able to slip in a ride while I'm gone.
More when I'm back.
July 4, 2009
Happy 4th of July
Training: Week 5, Day 2